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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A lovely collage to capture the magic of the day.

Snow Day.

How my wonderful day of snow began...

4:40 Text from school. ‘No School’

4:41 Verify closing online

4:42 Exchange celebratory texts with co-teachers

4:43 back to sleep ZzZzZzzz...

Remember when you were a kid. You were soundly sleeping when your home phone rang. Too early to be just anyone calling. Could it be? Yes, a snow day! One of those coveted days with nothing to do but bask in the beauty of a pristine bed of snow. One couldn’t dream of falling back asleep and missing out on a single moment of this winter holiday. Warm slippers, overall snowsuits, snowmen, and hot chocolate (extra marshmallows). Neighborhood children flocked to the open park to play pretend. The cold never seemed to matter. The only thing chilling was the thought of this day coming to an end. Would everything have to go back to normal? Would everyone still get along when the white fluff returned to green and brown? With the snow, there came a peace, an unspoken bond between all children. I wish I could relive the wonders of those Snow Days again.


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