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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Last Day of November!

Is it possible for someone to find you amazing exactly as you are?
Is it possible for someone to make you feel good about yourself in every single way?
For that someone to know it's his/her job to make you feel good
but want to just as well.
Yes. It is.
Kinda makesyouwanna do this.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Word Art.

" What you create of your life
is just as important as
what you create during it."
Steven Boyett.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Tuesday everyone! Two days until Thanksgiving!

Put a little fire in your love. And a little love in your heart.

Today I believe:

That sometimes wanting something isn't enough-
that (sometimes) you have to ask for it.

That a brisk morning is quite refreshing after a dark, rainy day.

Just the aroma of chai tea can brighten my morning.

That email is great and all-but snail mail has an elegance
and endearing quality that cannot be transmitted
via the internet.

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year in the city.
There's evergreen and silver and gold bulbs everywhere you look.
There are twinkliing lights adorning every building.
There's an unmistakable energy in the air.
And I love it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A cozy sentiment from a Christmas made-for-tv movie...
(As corny as they may be, they're Christmas, so I'm inclined to watch.)

Sometimes just knowing something isn't enough-
you have to believe.
You have to know with your heart.
Then, that knowing turns into believing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change,
the courage to change what I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just enjoying my Sunday ritual of browsing the postsecret pages...

A truth and a confession.

Do you ever catch yourself assuming the worst of people-
not because they've done anything to warrant it-
but because you're afraid that if you put too much trust in them,
they will only end up hurting you?
It's a self-preservation mechanism,
and I find myself reverting to it all too frequently.
What I really want (and moreover, what I truly believe in)
is that you should always assume the best in people.

I hate watching tv shows where the best friend believes an ill-born rumor
over her best friend or even a family member.
I want to yell and ask them to take a step back
and really think about who/what they should be believing.
They shouldn't jump to conclusions just because they want to guard their hearts,
because we all know that the people we love the most
are the people that can hurt us the most,
but they should pause and remind themselves
that, just because we have been let down in the past,
doesn't mean we have the right to expect the worst-
And why would we want to anyways?