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Sunday, February 28, 2010

One of my favorite things about Sunday

I'm always a little sad when the Olympics come to an end. It's like finishing a really good book. A little piece of your life ends. The relationship I've formed with my tivo will certainly take a hit after tonight. I'll miss the athletes. Their determination and respect humbles and astounds me. Anthems and medals, flowers and fire; it's all so huge. It makes me a little teary; but also proud and awed. It's unforgettable, and yet, when it's over, the spirit seems to burn out with the torch. Good thing they'll be back in a couple years.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

1, 2, 3
...Close your eyes and...

Every day deserves a little sparkle-
a little something to make you feel alive,
a tingling in your stomach, a butterfly in your heart.
I close your eyes and make a wish
The night holds many wonders. Don’t miss them.

...each moment you feel this is special.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I shall always believe in the quiet power

of the moment you realize someone gets you.

It’s a rarity- a thing to be cherished.

The instant you feel the shift from someone you talk to

when you run into each other at the coffee shop

to someone you call to grab a cup of coffee.

When the person knows the real you

and still wants to be with you.

Today, I understand the spark of a new friendship

and the knowledge to make it last.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today I Love

Love stories acted out with every star in Hollywood. Take for instance, let’s say, Valentine’s Day. Seriously, so many wonderful people. And yes, I understand the cliche surrounding this Hallmark holiday. But, I actually choose to believe that people really want to celebrate LOVE.

Well-loved copies of classic novels. The way the pages brown and curl up at the edges, the smell of must, to know that you are joining the ranks of people that have come before you.

Curls. They say a girls hair should match her personality. I agree.

My Boys. Playlist of the day. Dave, check. Jimmy, check. Hootie, check.

Dress suits. I always love a man in a suit. There’s just something about that power suit that gets me. But now I want a suit of my own. I mean, I think it’s part of growing up. I’m not sure where I’ll wear it. But it’s ok if that comes second.

Catching up. Nothing like being productive and feeling on top of your game. World, bring it on.

Young imaginations. I watched my students fall in love with English. Well, maybe not love, but as close to love as second semester seniors can muster. It was indescribable. I could see their mental wheels turning, and it was one of the most beautiful, magical, wonderful things I have ever experienced. Insurmountable happiness.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

In honor of Valentine’s Day...

Billet-doux: bil⋅let-doux

–noun, [bil-ey-dooz, bil-ee-; Fr. bee-yey-doo]

a love letter.


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Love is all around us. All you have to do is open your eyes.

Someone wise once told me that when you find the one, you’ll know because you only fit into one person’s arms perfectly.

I dare you to love someone today.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I've crossed your mind.

Some days call for bright bursts of color and layers of ruffled tulle. Days like today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


There are two kinds.

“The ones we keep from others

and the ones we keep from ourselves.”

A ring of authenticity; raw, uncomfortable;




Grab my heart.

Can I be your secret keeper?

You don’t need to hide behind your secrets.

Everyone has them.

They are my life;

Uncover and share.

The world asks to know.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A lovely collage to capture the magic of the day.

Snow Day.

How my wonderful day of snow began...

4:40 Text from school. ‘No School’

4:41 Verify closing online

4:42 Exchange celebratory texts with co-teachers

4:43 back to sleep ZzZzZzzz...

Remember when you were a kid. You were soundly sleeping when your home phone rang. Too early to be just anyone calling. Could it be? Yes, a snow day! One of those coveted days with nothing to do but bask in the beauty of a pristine bed of snow. One couldn’t dream of falling back asleep and missing out on a single moment of this winter holiday. Warm slippers, overall snowsuits, snowmen, and hot chocolate (extra marshmallows). Neighborhood children flocked to the open park to play pretend. The cold never seemed to matter. The only thing chilling was the thought of this day coming to an end. Would everything have to go back to normal? Would everyone still get along when the white fluff returned to green and brown? With the snow, there came a peace, an unspoken bond between all children. I wish I could relive the wonders of those Snow Days again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

For the Girls.

Because, let’s face it, sometimes we just need to be completely surrounded by pretty things that make us Smile. And be reminded that we are thankful to be Girls.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear Universe,

I was given this picture because I said that my dream would be to grade a stack of English papers in front of a warm, splintering fire. Now that I have seen this, I just have to make my dream come true.If I can have this fireplace in my future home, I will be eternally thankful. I promise to never complain about reading papers. I would be grateful to have such a wonderful setting in which to read them. I would snuggle up in my couch with a big blanket and a hot cup of coffee and fall into high school English-writing land.

A young teacher with big dreams,

Christine Lynn