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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I dabble.

Some days I want to talk about baking (I love baking!), some days I want to talk about wine (I also love wine). Some days I want to be profound, sophisticated, and purposeful, and other days I just want to be goofy and girly all ribboned together in one pretty package.

So I dabble.

I try different things. I like to say I'll give anything a chance once. I'm not a picky eater, I'm not afraid of too many things. I have Dave Matthews right next to Kenny Chesney and Rihanna on my ipod. I read Kurt Vonnegut but have a James Patterson sitting right underneath it.

Like I said, I dabble. And that's really ok with me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Welcome back to Monday Everyone!

Ah, how I love three-day weekends.

Especially ones that actually feel like three-day weekends.
I spent part of the holiday being girly and fabulous with my mom (breakfasting, shopping, wine-ing, and dining) and part at home in the city (drinks at the Walnut Room on Saturday followed by a delicious dinner at Maggiano's afterwards and a fairly lazy Sunday cleaning and decorating my apartment).

Note: At the Walnut Room, I got to try a Lyndfred wine (from the Roselle winery)! Very exciting and (not-all-that-surprisingly) delicious! I recommend! Plus, being in the Walnut Room around Christmas is in-and-of-itself an experience. The tree, the lights, the fairies, I just love it!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last Night I:

1. Prayed for a snow-free grocery run (which actually came true). I was super not looking forward to trudging home with milk and eggs in a snow shower.

2. Skipped dinner and went straight for dessert (okay, not skipped, but a bowl of soup- then right to dessert!) with an array of baked items. Such as these (Oreo balls) and a homeade apple crumble pie (using Joy the Baker's Easy No Roll Pie Crust) Yummm! Also, totally the recipe for a happy boyfriend...just saying.

3. CMAs! I was singing along so much my voice was hurting at the end. Yay Blake and Miranda! Love, love, love!

4. Top Chef. Finally we're ready for the real-deal to get cooking.

What an outstanding night! Happy Thursday Everyone!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Looks like a good day to me. I realize it is only 10:30am...

Today's forecast includes a chance for snow showers...brrr! I am SO not ready for this.

Ok, I do love snow. But only for a very brief period between Dec. 20ish-Dec. 30.

As for now, I'll cozy up with a steaming cup of coffee (Hazelnut, Au Bon Pain- excuse the French-ness) and a Pottery Barn holiday catalogue undoubtedly abundant with items I will be resistless to and deem necessary for purchase, with which to decorate my apartment.

Warm wishes everyone!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am in third grade.

And I absolutley love that my nails match my Starbucks cup, which matches my pen, which matches the gum I am chewing...I told you, third grade.

But here's the thing: I do it ALL the time. It's one of those girly things that I indulge myself in believing that everyone else does too. But I know they don't. I know it's just me...right?

And yes, as you could have guessed, they now match my post.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Split Decision.
Question: Which do you like better, spring or fall?

Pros-relief from bitter cold, budding, sandals, Easter, anticipation of summer

Pros-Colors! Costumes, wreaths, Starbucks Christmas cups, twinkle lights, crunchy leaves, pumpkin spice, chunky-knit sweaters, fireplaces, brisk morning runs, candelight dinner parties, hot chocolate with marshmallows, toasty kitchens

See my dilemma?? I like them both. Of course I do, I can never make decisions like this. Because I like both. I want both. I want chunky sweaters and flip-flops. I want iced tea and piping hot pumpkin lattes.
What's a girl to do?

I suppose I accept that I like each season just as much- but at different times, for different reasons.
Right now, I am in love with fall. But ask me again in January when I'm pale as a ghost and feeling frost-bitten to the core, and I'll surely come back with a different answer.
And that's OK.