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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Go confidently
in the direction of your dreams
Live the life you have imagined

Henry David Thoreau

Today I am reminded that it takes a great deal of confidence
(and the whimsy of a spoonful of sugar) to make strides in your life.
If you want something, sometimes all you need is to boldly go and get it.
Believe that you can, and you will.

Monday, April 26, 2010

It takes courage to grow up
and become who you really are.
E.E. Cummings

Sunday, April 25, 2010

As I was saying, the pull always brings you back...

This is my favorite. It's not the clearest, but
I love the way you can see the Chicago flag
in the background.

Go Hawks.

April showers are nice and all. But I'm more than
ready for May flowers. Thanks for the preview Chi town.

Friday, April 23, 2010

It's OK to be inspired by pockets of wisdom gathered here and there.

I believe that certain people are magnetic; try as they might
they will always be drawn together.
It's like that great Wedding Planner quote:
They can't help but wondering,
what if what I think is great, really is great?
But not AS great, as something Greater?
I think I'm like that with the city too. Regardless of where I am
I never lose an image of me walking the early morning streets;
coffee wafting, taxis cruising by, a healthy bustle of suits and briefcases.
I think that's one reason why I'm worried about next year; I'm not
sure where I'll be. But I'll always come back. You can't ignore the pull.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let the sun into your life today.
A beautiful picture to inspire you on this beautiful, hump-day morning.

I know it's a funny little thing,
but I whole-heartedly believe that
sun has the power to brighten your day
(in more than one way).

Today is for:
$2 Lattes
Greek Mythology
Peanut butter sandwiches

Monday, April 19, 2010

Forever Road. Darius Rucker.
I heard every word you said
And trying hard to understand
Exactly what it is, you need, from me
Baby I apologize
I never meant to make you cry
But there ain’t no doubt, we can work it out yeah
Cuz I’m gonna be around.

Don’t worry baby
I ain’t no maybe
Rain or Shine
This Love of mine is for you
Let my arms remind you
I’ll always be beside you
Holdin’ on until this ride is through
So away we go, down that forever road

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today I believe
That heavily syndicated reality tv shows can take the edge off a Cubs loss.

Accepting the future a little at a time is perfectly alright. Order my cap and gown today. Register for graduation tomorrow. Check two off the list of things to do before May 17.

In family. And that moms have an unmatched ability to make the littlest moments seem like your greatest accomplishments.

Boys reading Cosmo is way more entertaining than learning about the seven greatest orgasm tricks on my own. And that it's endearing to hear them talk about real girls.

POSTsecret is and will always be one of my favorite parts about Sunday. For exactly this reason...

Isn't this the best we can HOPE for?
Don't we all want to CHERISH each moment
for exactly what it is?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kindness is its own reward.

A student of mine said this to me today.
How do kids get so smart? Mental note: take more life advice from them.
They're full of pure, non-agenda-seeking, honest wisdom; it's amazing.
I am overwhelmingly grateful for the little moments that make me pause during my day;
for subtly forcing me to take a step back from the fast-paced, and learn something absolutely, beautifully inspiring.