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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

There's something unspeakably beautiful about Spring.
I love the way the sun shines through my classroom windows,
splashing patches of warmth around my desk.
When I look outside at the bright smiles circling the park, a piece of my heart melts.

Happy Birthday Kelly! And Happy end of March!

(I need some good teacher April Fools to play tomorrow)

Monday, March 29, 2010

One of these days
Were gonna have to grow up
Have to get real jobs and be adults, someday
Just not today
Have to worry about things out of our control
Like kids, love and money and gettin old, someday
Just not today, just not today

Kenny Chesney

Lately I've been really stressed about graduation.
I almost had to turn off Greek because it was too
overwhelming. But then I thought back to a
conversation I had with my mom earlier. And all
of a sudden I realized that everything will be ok.
I shouldn't stress over the future. What's meant to
happen will surely unfold.
It's not like I have to grow up today.
Growing up is a process. It doesn't happen over night;
what fun would that be anyways?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Florida was amazing.
It's astounding what a week of friends, sun, and relaxation can do to your spirit.

My daily routine: sleep in
work out
read/ipod/sleep by the pool
happy hour
out to dinner-and out
I WISH every day could be this wonderfully...


Hoping everyone had a wonderfully warm and fun Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

“Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely
and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

Thank you, Ralph Waldo Emerson, for that fine piece of wisdom.
Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

Here's to a day full of Green clovers, gold coins, brilliant rainbows, and lots of heel-clicks.

Oireachtas, n.

-Oireachtas, Oireactas. Irish Oireachtas assembly, gathering, convocation < oireacht meeting (Old Irish airecht; cognate with Welsh araith speech (13th cent.; in Old Welsh as hared with sense ‘song, verse’), of uncertain origin)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today I believe,

A best friend
... is unparalleled in wisdom, strength, and compassion.

...provides a shoulder to cry on and a heart for unconditional love.

...loves you even when you can't always do the same.

...leaves the kitchen light on, checks your covers for watermelons, and dresses you for a big date.

...stands beside you, fights for you, and is always there to fall back on.

Thank you for being my friend. I love you, Katie.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just a few more reasons why I love and will miss all of my students...

Seniors are very different;
Severe expressions and uncomfortable squeaking.
Comfort zones leave
It feels good to be different
Not to emphasize the same feeling;
Community, accustomed, residence in groups
It's out.
Students are getting ready to leave.
They aren't uncomfortable.
They aren't nervous.
It's good to step out.
Tom, 18

The chance to pick
A do-over.
Checked past
Don't leave
the cost; choose for me
speak up!
Don't drop out.
Who won the lost me?
Who was the winner?
Colton, 17

What Lies Ahead
Strong start, hopefully
Engineering at the University of Illinois
Bright spot defined as college
My mind is a one lane street
Towards enrollment in the fall
First-time student, 4 more consecutive years
Strong finish, hopefully
Lauren, 18

3000 dead
Shattered capital
victims in floodplains
No hope, until Spring
Rainy disaster
Falling country
Collected killings
No hope, until Spring
Spring brings health
Brings life
Brings hope
We wait, until Spring.
Shahid, 18

Adjusting my accuracy
The corner pins are the difference.
Individuals in a competitive field,
Rolling towards strikes.
Average is no good ,
and a zero will not help.
700 Series at the Thunderbird Lanes
Ryan, 17

Poetry by AP students at Centennial High School

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Hump Day Everyone...
Smile, it's going to be in the 60s today!

...9 Days 'til Florida..

image via here + here

Monday, March 8, 2010

So I'm supposed to answer the following
with one word answers. This could be tricky,
but here we go...

Your Cell Phone?
Your Hair? blonde.
Your Mother? love.
Your Father? cheerleader.
Your Favorite Food? bread.
Your Dream Last Night? teacher.
Your Favorite Drink? coffee.
Your Dream/Goal? education.
What Room Are You In? tv.
Your Hobby? dancing.
Your Fear? future.
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years? school.
Where Were You Last Night? here.
Something That You Aren’t? singer.
Muffins? Peterson's
Wish List Item? pillowtop.
Where Did You Grow Up? college.
Last Thing You Did? basketball.
What Are You Wearing? p.j.s
Your TV? office.
Your Pets? none.
Friends? lifesource.
Your Life? good.
Your Mood? reflective.
Missing Someone? mom.
Vehicle? emma.
Something You Aren’t Wearing? shh.
Your Favorite Store? target.
Your Favorite Color? green.
When Was The Last Time You Laughed? currently.
Last Time You Cried? Sunday.
Your Best Friend? Katherine.
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? starbucks.
Facebook? phone.
Favorite Place To Eat? couch.
Ever get that feeling that everything is going right in your life?
I catch myself wondering what would happen if suddenly something threatened that.
Then I remember, I already know; it's something better.
Something too great to imagine now, but something that resembles
that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, home-run kind of wonderful.

image via twentythree

Sunday, March 7, 2010

You can currently find me:
Watching The Academy Awards.

This is as close as I think I'll ever come to receiving an oscar.
But I won't write that dream completely off.

image via creativecupcakes
Confession: I sing super loud in cars.
Like really, really loud.
I like to pretend that people in the next car over can't hear me.
But I think they really can.
Thank you postsecret for broadcasting that at least I'm not alone.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

One Sunny Day.

The best part of my day.
Laying in bed, sunbathing in my sheets.
Can you think of a better way to start your Saturday morning?

On a beautiful day like this, you realize

...Spring has a way of sneaking up on us

...sunny days bring people together windows are meant to be rolled down
...a new pair of sandals can make more than your toes happy

Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderfully relaxing, sun-filled weekend!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today is a very special day.
It's my favorite, prettiest, most loved person's birthday!
Happy Birthday Mom!
...I love you...

Here's to fresh starts and new beginnings.
Every day is chance to start anew.
Each year that passes is only a marker on your journey.
Make it an adventure!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Recipe for a perfectly good morning.

Today I love late starts,
cold, refreshing morning runs,
and, of course, my cheerios and coffee.